Setting Up a Trust in the UK – A Complete Guide

Setting Up Trust UK

The use of a trust to protect large sums of money and other financial assets is becoming increasingly common. The usage of trusts in the UK has risen steadily. Once thought to be the sole domain of affluent individuals seeking to dodge taxes, people from all walks of life are now taking advantage of the […]

Stamp Duty – What You Need to Know Now

Stamp Duty

When you buy a home in England or Northern Ireland, you will be subject to Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). It is usually transferred by your conveyancer when you exchange contracts on your property, and it must be paid within 14 days of closing. Stamp Duty is only paid by persons who are purchasing property, […]

Trading Income Allowance – What It Is and Why You Might Want to Claim It

Trading Income Allowance

HMRC introduced two new annual tax allowances of £1,000 each in early 2018. There is a trading income allowance as well as an allowance for people who earn money from property investment. These exemptions also apply to other sources of income, such as selling small personal assets online and offering your services for a fee. […]

UK Resident Meaning: Why It Might Be Harder to Define Than You Think

UK Resident Meaning

Am I a UK resident? It’s a simple enough question to answer, right? After all, you know where you live. However, as anyone who works abroad, spends a lot of time there or otherwise isn’t in the UK 24/7, UK resident meaning, at least for tax purposes, can be rather murky to define. HMRC introduced […]